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Mechanical Engineer
  • Mr. Schwalje holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Mechanical Engineering from Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York and a Master of Science from the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in New Jersey, New York and Louisiana.

  • Mr. Schwalje is a member of the National Association of Fire Investigators (NAFI), Society of Automotive Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, International Association of Arson Investigators, National Fire Protection Association, and Member National Safety Council.

  • Mr. Schwalje is a Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator (C.F.E.I.). He is also a past memeber of the Planning Board for North Hanover Township.

  • Mr. Schwalje’s professional experience includes forensic engineering investigation and evaluation of design and construction of residential. commercial and industrial equipment, failure analysis and evaluation of equipment and explosion investigations. Mr. Schwalje has conducted fire origin investigations and analyzed potential causes for equipment involved  in industrial and residential accidents.

  • Prior to joining AEL Mr. Schwalje served as a District Engineer, Sr. District Engineer, Asst. District Manager and District Manager for a New Jersey Utility, as well as positions in the Cost Control Department and Engineering and Machine Design Department of various companies.


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